Paul McDougall Wildlife Photographer

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with Paul McDougall

Outline of workshop

This workshop is designed for people who are interested in wildlife and photography.
It is for beginners, so for people who want to improve their wildlife photography and increase understanding of how to use their camera.

The workshop will be divided between classroom theory and field practical.
Duration: 6 hours.
Equipment Needed DSL Camera
Price: £50 per person for more than 4 participants or £200 per person for private workshop.
Maximum number of participants:10

Course Contents

Understanding Exposure

  • Aperture
  • Shutter Speed
  • ISO
  • Putting them all together

Focus Modes

White Balance


Exposure Compensation

Shooting in Raw

Basic Post processing – Adobe Bridge, Camera Raw and Photoshop.

Wildlife Photography for beginners with Paul McDougall
Wildlife Photography for beginners with Paul McDougall
Wildlife Photography for beginners with Paul McDougall
Wildlife Photography for beginners with Paul McDougall
Wildlife Photography for beginners with Paul McDougall
Wildlife Photography for beginners with Paul McDougall
Sparrowhawk Dumfries and Galloway

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